Tag: Wicca

  • 63. Nature and Witchcraft

    One of the most common descriptions of "witchcraft" you'll find out there will say that it's a "nature based" practice. That's also reinforced in so many witchcraft books over the last century, as well as in the current social media witchcraft circles. This episode is here to ask the question so many folks seem to be ignoring. Is it really?

  • 61. Feedback/Q&A Special 2023!

    It’s July! You know what that means — it’s time for our annual Q&A special! Where you the audience send in your questions for the show, so we don’t have to research anything for a month… or something. In this supersized episode, we talk about what you wanted to talk about, instead of this month’s random whim. I did so little work this month, I even copied that description from last year!

  • 59. Should There Be Wiccan Clergy?

    The Aquarian Tabernacle Church has announced a new accreditation program to "professionalize" Wiccan Clergy. They're not the first people to try and set something up like this, and they likely won't be the last. Is this a good thing? Is this a bad thing? Mostly I just think this is just a complicated thing.

  • 54. A Conversation With Aidan Kelly

    Back in September of 2021, we put out an episode all about Mabon and the person who named it, Aidan Kelly. This last October, just over after that podcast episode was released, Aidan Kelly reached out to me having listened to it and wanted to set the record straight. Thankfully he let me record the call for the show, and this is that conversation. Consider this episode a part two to that earlier episode, and if you haven't listened to it lately, you may want to do so again.

  • 39. Mabon and Aidan Kelly

    In the last few years there has been some minor push back against using the name "Mabon" for the Autumnal Equinox. In this episode we're going to talk about how Mabon got its name, who came up with the name, and why exactly a small group of British Traditional Wiccans are so mad about it. Spoiler: it's because a bunch of Gardnerian Wiccans are mad at Aidan Kelly.

  • 37. Feedback/Q&A Special 2021!

    It's July, so that means it's time for the annual BS-Free Witchcraft Q&A episode! Listeners like you sent in questions, and I'm going to do my best to answer them. Could it be a complete disaster? Maybe! Only one way to find out though.

  • 36. Fight a God.

    So a few weeks ago I made a joke post on my Tumblr where I said beginner witches should "Fight a God." This led me through a series of events which made me want to discuss how we relate to gods in witchcraft, the difference between worship and belief, and frankly whether or not we should fight a god. That, and, we've all agreed that Apollo has an OnlyFans.

  • 33. The Wheel of the Year

    After two fairly depressing episodes, it's time to move on to something a little less bleak. This time around we're talking about The Wheel of the Year! Well, at least the basic idea. Where did it come from, who slapped these eight holidays together, and are they really something every witch needs to give a crap about? Minor spoiler, the answer to that last question is a firm "no."

  • 25. Feedback/Q&A Special 2020

    It's July, and that means we're doing another Q&A special where I answer questions from listeners like you. And this year I remembered to record it before I hid in a cabin for a week! We talk about your questions about Witchcraft, the show in general, and just stuff I guess. Watch what happens when I get fact checked! It's neat!

  • 24. The Craft (1996)

    It's strange to think that a 90s teenage horror/urban fantasy film would be massively culturally important to the modern witchcraft movement, but for a generation of witches that's exactly what The Craft is. In this super long episode of the podcast (seriously -- it's almost an hour and a half), I sit down with Hex Positive's Bree NicGarran for a chat about the film. We tackle the themes, plot, and cultural impact of this movie, along with some fun tangents along the way.

  • 19. Citation Needed

    While reading a post on The Wild Hunt I got to thinking about the wild world of self publishing and Witchcraft books. How does a new Witch know if a source is good or bad? How can they tell if it's a genuine writer or a pen name optimized for SEO? Why is everything so frickin' complicated?

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