Tag: scams
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
80. A Couple of Things…
This month I wanted to talk about a couple of things that wouldn't necessarily fill out a whole episode on their own. First off, after last month's episode I wanted to clarify some of my thoughts on psychics. Secondly, I wanted to talk about bias and what we do with evidence that runs contrary to our beliefs. It should be a fun one though.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
22. Witches 4 Hire
So on last month's episode we talked about would-be-gurus like Leah Steele. This month we're instead going to look at her low-budget cousins though: Spell Farms. What's a Spell Farm? They are websites where the average person can plunk down some money for a "witch" to cast a spell for them. And they're just as reliable and honest as they sound.
On Trae’s Blog
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