Tag: Paganism
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
14. Gender and Witchcraft
There are a lot of regressive ideas built into some forms of witchcraft when it comes to gender, and it's about time we sat down and talked about it. On this episode of the podcast we're talking about gender and witchcraft, and how gender essentialism is massively bull. So, y'know, we're keeping it light.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
13. Feedback/Q&A Special
On this episode of the podcast I'm answering questions sent in from listeners like you! I'm also doing it from a cabin in the Wisconsin Northwoods though, so there is no music, no second takes, and it's been recorded on my iPhone. Hopefully this doesn't turn out terribly.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
10. The Satanic Panic
The Satanic Panic of the 70s, 80s, and 90s shaped the Modern Witchcraft Movement in a lot of unexpected ways. Its effects still ripple through a lot of our sources, so in this installment of the podcast we're digging into this extremely weird part of American history. It's a bit of a doozy, after all.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
1. The Basics
In this inaugural episode of BS-Free Witchcraft Trae decides to start at the very beginning. It's a very good place to start. Mainly this episode focuses on the basics of the modern witchcraft movement -- because how can we have a discussion if we don't actually define the terms we're working with? From defining "witchcraft" itself to poking at random corners, we're covering as much as we can cram into a half an hour. You know how like every witchcraft website has a FAQ page? This is the podcast equivalent of that.
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