Tag: Cryptid
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
52. Another Spooky Episode
It's October, and that means we're in the spookiest of seasons! With that in mind we continue the podcast's long standing tradition of doing a ghost stories episode! This year Trae is joined by Jodie Haas, co-host and co-creator of Nerd & Tie Podcast Network Shows Cool & Unusual Punishment and Pour Man's History, as they take a moment to talk about the nature of "ghosts," the folklore that develops around them, bears as cryptids, and a particularly dark tale from Wisconsin's history. It's a fun ride.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
40. Let’s Get Spooky-ish!
Well, we've reached that special time of year where it's time to talk about ghost stories on the podcast! Sort of! This year, Trae is joined by Lee Bradford (creator of The Sweeney Tarot), who returns to the podcast after three years. We talk about ghosts, cryptids, and legends that don't quite pan out. This year it's a much more general episode with a lot more fun debunking of weird cryptids and legends, and less ghosts... but there are still ghosts? There are still ghosts. I promise there are still ghosts.
On Trae’s Blog
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