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The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
36. Fight a God.
So a few weeks ago I made a joke post on my Tumblr where I said beginner witches should "Fight a God." This led me through a series of events which made me want to discuss how we relate to gods in witchcraft, the difference between worship and belief, and frankly whether or not we should fight a god. That, and, we've all agreed that Apollo has an OnlyFans.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
35. Social Pressure and Performative Behavior in Witchcraft
In any movement or group there's always a pull to do certain things to fit in. There's an unspoken (or I guess sometimes spoken) peer pressure to do certain performative actions to conform. The modern witchcraft movement isn't immune to this phenomenon either, and so that's what we're going to talk about this month. But, like, in a fun way.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
34. Paganing in Public
On this episode, I sit down with Hex Positive's Bree NicGarran to talk about openly being a Witch in the modern world. How accepted are witches really these days? What challenges do we face being open about our craft? What are the odds that an old lady with a murder-van is going to harass you in a gas station parking lot? ...they're surprisingly good apparently.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
33. The Wheel of the Year
After two fairly depressing episodes, it's time to move on to something a little less bleak. This time around we're talking about The Wheel of the Year! Well, at least the basic idea. Where did it come from, who slapped these eight holidays together, and are they really something every witch needs to give a crap about? Minor spoiler, the answer to that last question is a firm "no."
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
32. A New Satanic Panic?
A couple of years ago we did an episode on the history of the Satanic Panic of the latter half of the twentieth century, but recent events have led us to ask -- could it be happening again? It's very possible that we at the start of a new wave of satanic panic, and QAnon is just the latest symptom of a larger problem.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
31. Norse Paganism’s Nazi Problem
This month we're attempting to tackle a topic I've had on the list for a while: Norse Paganism's Nazi problem. It's not exactly the most fun thing in the world, but after a certain shirtless idiot was amongst the rioters that attempted to overthrow the United States government at the capitol on January 6th, I just couldn't put it off any longer. I don't know how helpful this episode is, but it definitely made me feel better to yell about it for twenty minutes. So I guess that's something.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
30. Friggin’ Ghosts.
This month on the BS-Free Witchcraft podcast we're tackling ghosts -- which may sound like an October topic, but instead of spooky stories we're instead going for practical advice on how to deal with them. What do you do if you encounter a ghost in the wild? What do you do if you think there's a ghost in your home? It's the perfect thing to discuss during the longest nights of the year (at least in the Northern Hemisphere).
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
29. The Craft Legacy (2020)
Earlier this year, Hex Positive's Bree NicGarran and I sat down to talk about the 1996 movie The Craft. It was a hugely influential film for a whole generation of witches, and surprisingly holds up well. So, needless to say, when the long awaited sequel/remake The Craft: Legacy came out on Video On Demand last month, we knew we needed to sit down and talk about it. So we did. For two hours.
BS-Free Witchcraft Is Now Available On Pandora
In my mission to get this podcast onto as many platforms as possible, I’m happy to announce that BS-Free Witchcraft is now available on Pandora! If you’re a Pandora user, […]
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
28. Let’s Get SPOOKIER!
It's Halloween. Like, literally. And like every other October episode on the BS-Free Witchcraft podcast, that means we're talking about personal ghost experiences. Joining me this episode (from all around the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network) are Gen Prock (from The Nerd & Tie Podcast and Stormwood & Associates), Cris Sass-Council (from Let's Be Legendary), and unsurprisingly Bree NicGarran (from Hex Positive). This jam-packed episode is the longest one we've done, coming in at just over two and a half hours long. It's super sized, super spooky, and super fun.
The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast
27. Pagan Pride Day
On this episode of the podcast we're going towards a more positive note, and talking about a pretty great thing in the larger Witchcraft and Pagan community. I'm joined by Amanda Tomasini, former organizer of Central Illinois Pagan Pride Day, to discuss... well... Pagan Pride Day. Kind of spoiled that one there, didn't I.
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