Recent Posts

  • 68. What is Witchcraft?

    A question that is significantly harder to answer than most people think is "What is Witchcraft?" This month I'm going to try to answer that, and if I fail you'll be at least as confused as I am by the end. And hey, isn't nice to do something together from time to time?

  • 67. The Headache of Misinformation

    Combating misinformation has always been one of the primary missions of this show, and honestly? It just gets exhausting sometimes. Why are people in this community so willing to uncritically pass on bad information? Why can't people be bothered to do the minimum to verify what they're saying's correct? It's incredibly frustrating.

  • 66. Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)

    Last month Hex Positive's Bree NicGarran joined Trae to take a look at the classic witch-centric movie Hocus Pocus (1993). This month, Bree's back to help review the 2022 sequel to that movie -- Hocus Pocus 2.

  • 65. Hocus Pocus (1993)

    It's time to dig back into the VHS tapes that you've shoved in a box in your basement (or just open Disney Plus), and talk about the classic witch-centric movie Hocus Pocus (1993). Hex Positive's Bree NicGarran joins Trae this month for an indepth look at this Halloween movie... in November. But c'mon, we all know it's Halloween year round in these parts.

  • 64. Ask the Question.

    For the first time in five years, we're breaking the "Trae talks to someone about ghosts for an hour in October" pattern. Instead we're using this month and the witchcraft movement's obsession with Halloween to ask "why are we doing any of this stuff?" It should make sense in the end. I hope.

  • 63. Nature and Witchcraft

    One of the most common descriptions of "witchcraft" you'll find out there will say that it's a "nature based" practice. That's also reinforced in so many witchcraft books over the last century, as well as in the current social media witchcraft circles. This episode is here to ask the question so many folks seem to be ignoring. Is it really?

  • 62. Wrong Way to Witch?

    Variations of the phrase "There's No Wrong Way to Witch" get tossed around our community, and I think it's about time we discuss why we say actually say that. But beyond that, there are folks who try to twist the phrase to make it mean things it doesn't -- and we need to talk about how being valid as a witch doesn't mean you're not being a complete jerk at the same time. I use stronger language than "jerk" in the episode.

  • 61. Feedback/Q&A Special 2023!

    It’s July! You know what that means — it’s time for our annual Q&A special! Where you the audience send in your questions for the show, so we don’t have to research anything for a month… or something. In this supersized episode, we talk about what you wanted to talk about, instead of this month’s random whim. I did so little work this month, I even copied that description from last year!

  • 60. Doubt is Good.

    This month we're talking about a very important concept: doubt. There are times when we question our beliefs and our witchcraft, and why that's a good thing. Blind faith never helped anyone, and can actively harm you.

  • 59. Should There Be Wiccan Clergy?

    The Aquarian Tabernacle Church has announced a new accreditation program to "professionalize" Wiccan Clergy. They're not the first people to try and set something up like this, and they likely won't be the last. Is this a good thing? Is this a bad thing? Mostly I just think this is just a complicated thing.

  • 58. Liminal Spaces and the Crossroads

    This month we're talking about liminality and the spaces in between. The places that don't really seem to belong where they are, where that sense of unreality kicks in. Where we go to the edge of the firelight to the transition to the night. And how that all links into one of the most important, almost universal pieces of folklore: The Crossroads.

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