BS-Free Witchcraft Is Now Available On Pandora
In my mission to get this podcast onto as many platforms as possible, I’m happy to announce that BS-Free Witchcraft is now available on Pandora! If you’re a Pandora user, […]
Find BS-Free Witchcraft on Youtube!
So we’re just a couple weeks in, but in an attempt to make the show as accessible as possible, I’ve decided to upload episodes of Bullshit-Free Witchcraft to my backup […]
Release Schedule for Episodes One Through Four
Hey, the show launches in a few days, so I thought I’d put out the release schedule for the first several weeks before it shifts to monthly updates. Episode 1: […]
Coming Mabon 2018
Bullshit-Free Witchcraft will launch Mabon 2018. While the first few episodes will release weekly, the show will shift to a monthly schedule. Hopefully you’ll like what we do.
On Trae’s Blog
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