The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast

A monthly witchcraft podcast, minus all of the usual BS. Trae, a practicing witch for over twenty years, talks about the history, practices, and current events of the modern Witchcraft movement without sugar coating any of it for you. It’s fun?

  • 3. The History of Wicca

    On this episode Trae digs deep into the history of Wicca, and tries to give the most accurate history of the religion as they can. I mean, yeah, we know this is a general Witchcraft podcast, but Wicca is the most widely practiced form of Witchcraft in the US, UK, Canada and Australia... so how it got started is kind of important for the modern Witchcraft movement. And trust me, there aren't any pulled punches here.

  • 2. How To Become a Witch

    In this episode Trae tackles the question "How do you become a witch?" The answer, of course, turns out to be amazingly easy -- do some witchcraft. Of course, there's more to the episode than that. Dragging fellow witch Lee Bradford onto the show, Trae and Lee tell their personal stories about how they came to their (different forms) of witchcraft. Afterwards they discuss things like gatekeeping and other obstacles new witches might find starting their practice.

  • 1. The Basics

    In this inaugural episode of BS-Free Witchcraft Trae decides to start at the very beginning. It's a very good place to start. Mainly this episode focuses on the basics of the modern witchcraft movement -- because how can we have a discussion if we don't actually define the terms we're working with? From defining "witchcraft" itself to poking at random corners, we're covering as much as we can cram into a half an hour. You know how like every witchcraft website has a FAQ page? This is the podcast equivalent of that.

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