80. A Couple of Things…

This month I wanted to talk about a couple of things that wouldn’t necessarily fill out a whole episode on their own. First off, after last month’s episode I wanted to clarify some of my thoughts on psychics. Secondly, I wanted to talk about bias and what we do with evidence that runs contrary to our beliefs.

It should be a fun one though.

Remember you can always buy Trae’s Books, and find me at Evercon Feb 28th-March 2nd, 2025.

(And, of course, don’t forget this show is part of the Nerd & Tie Network, and funded by listeners like you via Patreon. Consider joining our Discord or our forums!)

Music: “So I Said It,” “The Man With One Eye,” “Untitled Nonsense” (Trae Dorn) / Random Loops (Apple Music Library)

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