76. A Spooky-ish Episode (with Lozzie Stardust)

It’s October, so even though we took the year off last year, we’re going back to the show’s roots with yet another spooky episode! This time around, Lozzie Stardust takes the guest spot and we talk about ghosts, cryptids, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Look, we got really off track on this one.

But I think you’ll like it.

Read Trae’s Books:
The Witch and the Rose
ISBN: 9798869132666
Available Via: Amazon / Kindle / ePub / Direct Order

Bloody Damn Rite
ISBN: 9798330220373
Available Via: Amazon / Kindle / ePub / Direct Order

Shadowcasting (Available 12/15/2024)
ISBN: 9781088207031
Available Via: Pre-Order on Kindle / Pre-Order Paperback

(And, of course, don’t forget this show is part of the Nerd & Tie Network, and funded by listeners like you via Patreon. Consider joining our Discord or our forums!)

Music: “The Man With One Eye,” “Untitled Nonsense” (Trae Dorn) / Random Loops (Apple Music Library)

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