69. Cultural Appropriation

One of the most frustrating conversations we keep having to have in the modern witchcraft movement is about cultural appropriation. And while we’ve repeatedly touched on this before, I’ve never focused an episode purely on the topic. So let’s do that. Let’s talk about exactly what it is and why it’s such a problem.

Trae’s new novel, “The Witch and the Rose,” is available to purchase right now on Amazon, or you can order it through your favorite bookseller with the ISBN 9798869132666.

(And, of course, don’t forget this show is part of the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network, and funded by listeners like you via Patreon. Consider joining our Discord or our forums!)

Music: “So I Said It,” “The Man With One Eye,” “Untitled Nonsense” (Trae Dorn) / Random Loops (Apple Music Library)

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