48. What Is a Witch?

Can you believe we made it this long without doing an episode answering a question this basic? I mean, yeah, sure, I cover it a little in episode one — but after running across something online, I realized I really wanted to do something more complete on the matter. So that’s the question we’re answering this month.


Sort of.

You’ll find out.

And remember, if you want to get questions in for this year’s Q&A/Feedback episode, send them in before July 15th here!

(And, of course, don’t forget this show is part of the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network, and funded by listeners like you via Patreon. Consider joining our Discord!)


Music: “So I Said It,” “The Man With One Eye,” “Untitled Nonsense” (Trae Dorn) / “Jaracanda,” “Red Velvet (Long),” “Buddy,” Random Loops (Apple Music Library)

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